1. How can I become an official retailer or vendor of Black Secret Makeup?
    • You can apply by filling out our Retailer Application Form on our website. Once submitted, our team will review your application and contact you with the next steps.
  2. What are the minimum order requirements for new retailers?
    • We require a minimum order quantity (MOQ) for wholesale purchases. The MOQ varies based on product category. Contact our sales team for specific details.
  3. Do you offer exclusive distribution rights for certain regions?
    • Yes, we offer exclusive distribution opportunities in select areas. If you’re interested, please reach out to our business development team for eligibility and terms.
  4. What are the payment terms and available payment methods?
    • We accept payments via bank transfers, mobile money, and online payment gateways. Payment terms will be discussed upon approval as a distributor.
  5. How long does it take to process and deliver wholesale orders?
    • Order processing typically takes 3-5 business days, and delivery times depend on location. For urgent orders, express shipping options are available.
  6. Can retailers and vendors get marketing support from Black Secret?
    • Yes! We provide marketing materials, product training, and promotional support to help retailers grow their sales.
  7. Are there special discounts for bulk orders?
    • Yes! We offer tiered discounts based on order volume. The larger your order, the better the pricing. Contact us for details on bulk pricing.
  8. What is your return and exchange policy for retailers?
    • We accept returns for defective or damaged products within 7 days of delivery. However, all returns must meet our return policy conditions.
  9. Do you provide training for retailers on product knowledge and sales techniques?
    • Yes! We offer virtual and in-person training sessions to help you understand our products and maximize your sales potential.
  10. Do you offer a referral bonus for vendors who bring in new retailers?
  • Yes! We appreciate referrals and offer a referral bonus to vendors who introduce new retailers to Black Secret Makeup. Contact our sales team for details on how the program works.
  1. Can I sell Black Secret Makeup products online?
  • Yes! Retailers can sell our products online, but we require that all online sales meet our brand guidelines. Contact our business development team for approval.
  1. Are Black Secret Makeup products available for white labeling?
  • No, our products are sold exclusively under the Black Secret Makeup brand to maintain quality and authenticity.
  1. Do you provide testers or samples for retailers?
  • Yes, we provide testers and sample kits for retailers who meet our minimum order requirements. Contact our sales team for more details.
  1. Can I open a Black Secret Makeup franchise store?
  • We currently do not offer franchise opportunities, but we do provide exclusive distribution partnerships. Reach out to our business development team for inquiries.
  1. Who can I contact for further inquiries or support?


+233 (0) 244 355 593


+233 (0) 244 355 596


+233 (0) 244 355 595